Immerse in the cheerful spirit of our 6 Dynamic Rose Bouquet, featuring 6 varied roses that dance with color and elegance. This lovely assortment of blooms is perfect for when you want to say it from the heart. A versatile bouquet for birthdays, romantic gestures, or when you're in need of an impromptu smile-inducing gift. These multicolored roses are meticulously crafted to maintain their lushness and scent, providing an aesthetic delight that captivates any recipient. It’s also a comforting gesture to extend good wishes to a recuperating friend or a new mom, radiating positive vibes and happiness. Imagine the delight on their face when these gorgeous roses arrive, delivered with precision across the Peninsula. Prolong the bouquet's splendor by substituting water and cutting the stems regularly. Make the day unforgettable by adding this bouquet to your basket now and sending a beautiful message wrapped in floral elegance.
The gift consists of:
• Bouquet of 6 assorted multicolor roses.