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Traditional White Rose Bouquet

Traditional White Rose Bouquet

Earliest Delivery : 10th Feb
48% Off



Gift your loved ones a bouquet that says it all without uttering a single word. This Traditional White Rose Bouquet represents unspoken love and enduring purity. Ideal for countless occasions ranging from weddings to anniversaries or simply to brighten someone's day, these roses radiate grace and elegance. Expertly arranged with lush decorative greens, each rose stands out in flawless perfection. Delivered with care straight to their doorstep, they retain their freshness and allure, encapsulating your emotions in every petal. This bouquet is a heartfelt testament to how much you care, whether sent to celebrate joy or as support during challenging times. More than just flowers, these roses deliver a message of devotion, peace, and genuine affection. Their spotless petals spark feelings of calm and beauty wherever they are displayed, making them the perfect companion for cherished moments. Choose this white rose bouquet to create memories that last a lifetime, soothing heart and soul with its gentle presence.
This is a gift of:
• Bouquet of 6 high quality white roses of approx. 40 cm with a variety of decorative greens.

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