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Elegant Pink Rose Bouquet

Elegant Pink Rose Bouquet

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Celebrate your special moments with our meticulously arranged bouquet of Elegant Pink Roses. Each rose is carefully selected to represent love and gratitude, presented in an elegant bundle that brings warmth and joy. Wrapped in beautiful kraft paper and adorned with a delicate ribbon, our bouquet elevates any occasion with a touch of class. We include a personalized dedication to help you share your feelings in your own words. To help keep your roses looking their best, we provide an easy-to-follow care guide along with plant nutrients, ensuring you enjoy their striking presence for longer. These premium roses are more than just flowers; they're a symbol of treasured connections and unforgettable moments. Ideal for any celebration, they serve as a lasting reminder of your meaningful bond and appreciation.
This is a gift of:
• Bouquet of 15 Premium Pink Roses.

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