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Pure White Rose Bouquet

Pure White Rose Bouquet

Earliest Delivery : 8th Mar
37% Off



Delight in the serenity of our Pure White Rose Bouquet, a stunning ensemble of white roses intertwined with perky daisies, straight from the essence of the Macael mountains. This arrangement is wrapped in quaint kraft paper and secured with an alluring ribbon, perfect for infusing elegance into any setting. The bouquet combines the soft elegance of white blooms with the refreshing aroma of eucalyptus and the lively presence of African greens, making it an enchanting gift for someone special. With inspirations drawn from the exquisite craftsmanship of the Alhambra in Granada, this bouquet brings a piece of history's elegant beauty into your space, promising to fill any room with a sense of calm and joy.
This is a gift of:
• Bouquet of white roses of approx. 50 cm, daisises, eucalyptus and African green.The flowers are wrapped in kraft paper with ribbon.

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