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Charming Carnation Bouquet

Charming Carnation Bouquet

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Add a splash of color and joy to any occasion with our Charming Carnation Bouquet. Featuring 30 meticulously selected stems, this bouquet is the perfect way to show someone they're on your mind. The vibrant colors and fresh blooms make it a thoughtful gift, whether it's for a celebration, a congratulation, or simply because you care. Each bouquet is a unique creation, crafted by skilled florists using bundles of varying hues to achieve a captivating blend of charm and elegance. It's a gift that's sure to make a lasting impression. With proper care, including regular water changing and minimal stem trimming, this bouquet can continue to brighten any room. Place your order and trust us to deliver this beautiful expression of your sentiments, ensuring your loved one receives it with all the splendor and freshness you intended.
The gift consists of:
• A bouquet of carnations of different colors is made up of 30 stems

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