Our Colorful Gerbera Burst is a radiant arrangement that captures the beauty of nature's colors in every petal. With this bouquet, experience the splash of vibrant colors from orange to yellow, pink to white, each gerbera is a fresh pick of happiness. Wrapped elegantly in clear cellophane and accented with a cheerful bow, this bouquet exudes sophistication and charm, making it the perfect gesture for any occasion. Whether it's to say thank you, celebrate a special day, or just because, this bouquet delivers your sentiments with style and grace. Available in three different sizes – 7, 10, or 14 blossoms – you can tailor the bouquet according to your liking. Each flower is hand-selected to ensure only the freshest and brightest make it to your bouquet. Plus, our hassle-free home delivery service guarantees your gift arrives promptly and perfectly presented, ready to delight the recipient. Spread joy with every bloom and experience the happiness our gerbera bouquet brings.
This is a gift of:
• A bouquet of 7 high quality fresh Gerberas in various colours (orange, yellow, pink and white).