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Gorgeous Yellow Rose Bouquet

Gorgeous Yellow Rose Bouquet

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Earliest Delivery : 8th Mar
35% Off



Discover the joy of gifting with our Gorgeous Yellow Rose Bouquet . These vibrant roses, with their short stems measuring 50-60 cm, are a delightful gift for any occasion needing a touch of optimism and warmth. Whether you're saying "get well soon" or "I'm thinking of you," the essence of these yellow blooms conveys your good intentions beautifully. You'll want to make them last by trimming the stems every few days and swapping out the water to keep them at their freshest. Want a different color or more of these radiant roses? Just give us a shout, and we'll do our best to accommodate your request. Place your order today, making sure to fill in the delivery details so your special gift arrives right on time. It's never been easier to share sunshine and smiles through the simple, powerful gesture of giving flowers.
The gift consists of:
• Bouquet of 12 short-stemmed yellow roses of approx. 50-60 cm.

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