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Graceful White Rose Bouquet

Graceful White Rose Bouquet

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Enchant your loved ones with the Graceful White Rose Bouquet, an arrangement imbued with elegance and meaning. The central feature is a dozen pristine white roses known for their splendid charm and comforting purity. Accentuated with an artful touch of verdant greens, this bouquet creates a balance between simplicity and sophistication. A graceful red ribbon weaves through the arrangement, offering that extra layer of romance and flair. The White Delight Bouquet isn't just a floral piece; it's an experience designed to convey emotions that words sometimes can't capture. Be it a wedding, an anniversary, welcoming a new family member, or a simple gesture of appreciation, this bouquet stands as a symbol of graciousness and affection. Enjoy the ease of our free delivery service, ensuring your thoughtful surprise makes the desired impact. The White Delight embodies a message of loyal affection and peace with its 50 cm fresh rose stems.
This is a gift of:
• Arrangement of high 12 quality fresh white roses of approx .50 cm. with Decorative greens & Decorative bow

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