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Love's Classic Bouquet

Love's Classic Bouquet

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Earliest Delivery : 8th Mar
42% Off



Indulge in the sophistication and charm of our Love's Classic Bouquet. Lovingly arranged by experienced florists, each rose is chosen for its lush, vibrant hue and flawless petals. This bouquet, comprised of 10 exquisite roses, is your ultimate expression of heartfelt emotions – be it love, admiration, or friendship. Delivered in a rustic yet refined kraft paper wrap with a delicate ribbon, these roses offer more than just visual appeal. They capture timeless elegance and are sure to leave a lasting impression. You can trust in the quality and freshness of our roses, perfect for enhancing the ambiance of those special life moments.
This is a gift of:
• A bouquet of 10 premium red roses.

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