Show your affection with our Modern Rose Bouquet & Chocolate Collection. This thoughtful gift combines 12 exquisite long-stemmed red roses, known for their universal symbol of love and appreciation. These roses have been cultivated to embody elegance and grandeur, making them an ideal present for anyone special in your life. Paired with a box of five gourmet chocolates, this package promises a delightful experience. Fresh from the grower, these roses boast a long lifespan when cared for with regular water changes and stem trimming. Perfect for Mother’s Day, anniversaries, or to simply surprise a loved one, this set expresses emotions that words might fail to convey. Our easy ordering process ensures that your gift will arrive at the designated time and place within the Peninsula. Share love’s language today by gifting this exquisite combination of nature’s beauty and sweet indulgence.
The gift consists of:
• A bouquet of 12 long stem red roses of approx. 70 cm. with a box of 5 delicious chocolates.