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Pure Beauty Rose Bouquet

Pure Beauty Rose Bouquet

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Earliest Delivery : 8th Mar
31% Off



Indulge in the timeless beauty of our Pure Beauty Rose Bouquet. This exquisite bouquet, elegantly wrapped in eco-friendly kraft paper and tied with a charming ribbon, holds 18 of the finest white roses. Each rose is carefully selected for its purity and allure, making it the perfect choice for conveying respect, admiration, and deep emotions. To ensure a long-lasting display, your bouquet is accompanied by a sachet of essential nutrients and detailed care instructions, allowing the recipient to enjoy their beauty for longer. Whether expressing gratitude, celebrating a milestone, or simply thinking of someone special, these roses deliver a sense of elegance and serenity. The personalized dedication card lets you add a unique touch. With our Premium White Roses, every special moment becomes memorable and cherished.
This is a gift of:
• A bouquet of 18 white roses.

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