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Soft Red Roses Bouquet

Soft Red Roses Bouquet

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Earliest Delivery : 8th Mar
28% Off



Enchant and impress with our Soft Red Roses Bouquet. These roses are more than just flowers; they are expressions of deep passion and infinite affection. Their velvety petals and rich color are perfect for conveying messages that often words alone cannot express. Surprise your partner on Valentine's Day, celebrate an anniversary, or simply make any day a romantic occasion. With long, elegant stems, this bouquet adds a touch of sophistication to any setting. Our commitment to quality ensures each rose is as fresh and vibrant as the love it represents. With the added convenience of our timely delivery, rest assured your meaningful gesture will arrive at its destination looking as splendid as nature intended. Let these roses be the eloquent voice of your deepest emotions.
This is a gift of:
• A bouquet of 24 fresh long stem red roses of approx. 60 cm.

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