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Delicate Yellow Roses Bouquet & eucalyptus

Delicate Yellow Roses Bouquet & eucalyptus

Earliest Delivery : 2nd Feb
27% Off



Celebrate life’s special moments with our Delicate Yellow Roses Bouquet & eucalyptus. Bursting with vibrant yellow hues, these 18 premium roses are a delight for the senses. The fresh eucalyptus adds a touch of green elegance that enhances the natural beauty of the roses. Each stem is approximately 50 cm long, making the bouquet full, lush, and strikingly beautiful. Expertly wrapped in rustic kraft paper and tied with an elegant ribbon, this bouquet not only looks stunning but is also eco-conscious. Ideal for birthdays, anniversaries, or just because, these yellow roses offer warmth and joy to the ones you care about. A perfect symbol of friendship and new beginnings, this arrangement is designed to spread happiness and light. Let these cheerful blooms be the messenger of your fondest wishes.
This is a gift of:
• Bouquet Of 18 Premium Yellow Roses and eucalyptus of approx. 50 cm.

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