Pastel Harmony Wildflower Bouquet brings the beauty of a wildflower meadow into your home with its stunning composition of pretty seasonal flowers. Featuring Galina stem roses, Magic Avalanche roses, and Caramelo dianthus in shades of cream, pink, and pale pink, this bouquet captures the essence of a sun-kissed meadow in full bloom. Enhanced with Green Bell asparagus and dainty white camomille, it exudes a rustic charm and natural elegance that is both timeless and enchanting. Whether displayed in a vintage pitcher or woven basket, this bouquet adds a touch of whimsy and romance to any space, making it a cherished centerpiece for casual gatherings, garden parties, or romantic dinners at home.
It consists of:
• This country-style bouquet of pretty seasonal flowers is composed of superb Galina stem roses, sumptuous cream Magic Avalanche roses and delicate, pale pink Caramelo dianthus. With a handful of stems of Green Bell asparagus and dainty white camomille
It consists of:
• This country-style bouquet of pretty seasonal flowers is composed of superb Galina stem roses, sumptuous cream Magic Avalanche roses and delicate, pale pink Caramelo dianthus. With a handful of stems of Green Bell asparagus and dainty white camomille